Cypriot Annan Plan referendums

Insanity and Cyprus

Was it Albert Einstein who described insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?" If what he said was right, the mental status of everyone involved in the futile Cyprus diplomacy and peacemaking efforts since 1968 can be called into question.

Erdogan: Turkey will be in Cyprus for ever!


The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated today that “we have made it clear to Greece and Cyprus that they should not been waiting a solution without Turkey as a guarantor. We will always be there”.


These were the conditions set by Turkey during the negotiations in Geneva about the Cyprus dispute, according to Reuters.


Moment of truth for Cyprus

Today marks the fifth death anniversary of Rauf Denktaş, the founding president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Today may also be a new start for Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Thursday was a very important day for all Cypriots, irrespective of ethnical divides, and all those who are still bothered with the prospect of peace in the eastern Mediterranean island.

'Without Cyprus, Turkey would drown'

The Cyprus talks are expected to restart next week in Geneva. The Greek Cyprus administration is like a reluctant seller. 

It is a full member of the European Union, representing the entire island as if northern Cyprus has not existed for 42 years and as if the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has not existed for 33 years.
