
Turkish Cypriot plunges into political crisis as government resigns after coalition collapse

The Turkish Cyprus has plunged into a political crisis after the president accepted the prime minister's resignation following the withdrawal of the government's coalition partner, amid ongoing peace talks with the Greek Cypriot administration. 

European Commission: First migrants to return to Turkey on Monday (video)

According to French news agency AFP, the first batch of 500 immigrants will be returned to Turkey in accordance to the recent EU-Turkey refugee agreement. The news was confirmed by the European Commission Monday, as the first immigrants will be readmitted into Turkey based on the one-to-one exchange provision.

Talks in hypocrisy

The Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders of the divided island of Cyprus are continuing talks presumably aimed at reuniting the island in a federation, the parameters of which remain aloof. The two sides have not even agreed on the meaning of the word "federation" or the "bi-zonality" and "bi-communality" principles agreed on by the political forefathers of the current negotiators which long ago b

EgyptAir Hijacker Surrenders, Hostages Released

The suspected hijacker of EgyptAir Flight MS181 has surrendered to Cypriot authorities at Larnaca airport, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

The hijacker has emerged from the EgyptAir airrilner with his hands in the air and most of the passengers and crew who were on board had been freed, Reuters quoted the Cypriot authorities as saying.

Turkey, US agree Cyprus deal possible this year

Turkey and the United States agreed March 28 that a political settlement may be possible this year in Cyprus, the Mediterranean island that has been divided for four decades.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington, and both diplomats were upbeat about chances for a deal.

EgyptAir plane hijacked to Greek Cyprus, most passengers freed

A man thought to be strapped with explosives hijacked an Egyptian plane on a flight between Alexandria and Cairo on March 29 and forced it to land in Greek Cyprus, Egyptian officials said.

After the EgyptAir plane landed at Larnaca airport, the hijacker released all the people onboard except four foreign passengers and the crew, EgyptAir said. 
