
Turkey detains 13 suspects for planning terror attacks

Turkish police have detained 13 foreign national suspects allegedly planning terror attacks targeting New Year's celebrations on behalf of ISIL, said security sources on Dec. 31.

Early this morning anti-terror police units carried out raids at the addresses of suspects in the capital Ankara, said the sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

Gendarmerie in Malca - the ring around the abductor tightens?

According to RTS, the strong forces of the Gendarmerie are deployed in the village district of Malca and the final "tightening of the ring around the abductor" is being performed.
Last night, in the late evening, police also searched the village of Jasenovik, however, that search did not yield a result.

Eight ISIL suspects nabbed in western Turkey

Eight ISIL suspects were apprehended in an anti-terror operation in the western Turkish province of Izmir, security sources said on Dec. 31

The suspects were nabbed in Torbalı and Tire districts of the province after an arrest warrant was issued by İzmir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, said the sources who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

Bosnia Charges 50% Fewer War Crime Suspects in 2019

"There are still many mass crimes, particularly in the eastern Bosnia area, whose perpetrators have not been charged as yet, although solid documentation about these crimes exists," said Vidovic.

She said that the state prosecution should focus its resources on these more serious cases rather than on "less extensive crimes and less significant cases in terms of perpetrators' rank".

Israel to withhold $43 million of Palestinian tax funds

The Israeli Security Cabinet on Dec. 29 voted to withhold $43 million of tax funds from the Palestinians, saying the money has been used to promote violence, Israeli media reported.

The sum represents funds that Israel says the Palestinians have used to pay the families of Palestinians who have been jailed or killed as a result of attacking Israel, according to various reports.
