Direct democracy

Slavi Trifonov's Future Party Wants the Public to Elect the Prosecutor General and the Ombudsman

The future party of Slavi Trifonov "No such state" will demand the direct election of the Prosecutor General and the National Ombudsman, as well as the directors of the regional directorates and the heads of the regional departments of the Ministry of Interior, which was the base in one of the points of the referendum initiated by his team .

Consultation at Cotroceni/USR's Barna says constitutional revision should include 'No convict in public offices' initiative

At the end of presidential consultation of Tuesday, national chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Bara said the "No convict in public offices" initiative should be part of the revision of the Constitution, mentioning that President Iohannis agreed.

Partial count reveals over 4 million say yes in justice referendum

Data centralised by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) as of Monday at 19:30hrs, EEST, indicated that 4,114,762 people voted "YES" to question no. 1 and 4,013,715 said "YES" to question no. 2, both in Sunday's justice referendum. Answering "NO" to question no. 1 were 702,458 voters, and doing the same to question no. 2 were 670,591 voters.

Partial referendum count: More than 2 million said 'Yes' to both questions

Data centralised by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) as of Monday at 14:27hrs, EEST, indicated that 2,702,719 people voted "Yes" to question No. 1 and 2,642,172 said "Yes" to question No. 2 of Sunday's justice referendum. Answering "No" to question No. 1 were 461,381 voters, and 442,507 voters gave the same answer to question No. 2.

Partial count reveals 1.6 million say yes in justice referendum

Data centralised by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) as of Monday at 10:23hrs, EEST, indicated that 1,625,321 people voted "YES" to question no. 1 and 1,619,681 said "YES" to question no. 2, both in Sunday's justice referendum. Answering "NO" to question no. 1 were 277,976 voters, and doing the same to question no. 2 were 271,104 voters.

Citizenship initiative 'No Convicts in Public Office' mandatorily amends the Constitution (USR's Barna)

Chairman of Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna told on Thursday a press conference in Pitesti that the citizens' initiative 'No Convicts in Public Office' will necessarily lead to the amendment of the Constitution. "This citizens' initiative, supported by USR with all its energy, mandatorily amends the Constitution.

Croatian Conservative Campaigners Claim Rapid Success

A civic initiative in Croatia dubbed 'The People Decide' whose campaign concerns proposed changes to Croatian election law, has stated that in only three days, by Wednesday, it had collected 78,000 signatures.

The second initiative, 'Truth about Istanbul Convention', who collects signatures for a referendum on the so-called Istanbul Convention says it has mustered 60,000 signatures.
