Doukissa Nomikou

The 12 Hottest Greek Celebrities! (SEXY PHOTOS)

There is something about certain countries and the exotic nature of beautiful women. The Mediterranean Sea kisses the Greek lands and has been the location of some of the most beautiful women to walk the face of the earth. Known as Greek Goddesses, the women of Greece have appealing attributes exclusive to the rest of the world.

Hot Doukissa Nomikou enjoys waters of Mykonos (video)

It has nearly been a month since beautiful Doukissa Nomikou tied the knot and she is still glowing. The newly-wed is in Mykonos enjoying the sun and sea of Platy Gialos, as so many other celebrities. The ever present Mykonos Live TV recorded the hot TV hostess and former Star Hellas while she was ready to take a dive in the Aegean waters.

The “battle” for Instagram: 10 most followed Greek celebrities (photos)

Superstar Selena Gomez might be leading in the informal Instagram followers competition globally with over 103 million followers, but which celebrity holds that “title” in Greece? Here is a list of the top 10 most followed Greek celebrities in 2016.

1. Doukissa Nomikou – 382,000 followers

Interviewed by OLA: Cretan beekeeper draws women like bees to honey (pics + vids)

Cretan beekeeper Stathis Stivaktakis has inspired memes, trolls and even reputable international media outlets since fame was flung upon him during a farmers’ rally outside Greek Parliament on Thursday, November 19. Since then he has gone viral!