Education in Romania

Cotroceni consultations/Ciolacu: We proposed Remus Pricopie for PM; decision belongs to President

Social Democratic Party (PSD) interim leader Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday announced, after the consultations at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, that he presented to President Klaus Iohannis the proposal to designate Remus Pricopie as Prime Minister.

#2019PresidentialElection/Iohannis: I had some achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that in the beginning of his mandate he had some achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey, pointing to the Pact to allot 2 percent of the GDP to Defence and the Sibiu Summit. "I have had a few achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey for years and years.

President Iohannis, World Zionist Organisation leader discuss Romania's efforts to combat anti-Semitism, xenophobia, intolerance

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday welcomed Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Avraham Duvdevani at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, to discuss the bilateral relationships between Romania and Israel, as well as Romania's efforts in the fight against anti-Semitism, xenophobia and intolerance.

Carol Davila Medicine University to award honorary doctorates to world-renown professors

 Six honorary doctoral degrees will be awarded to personalities from Austria, the United Kingdom, Poland, Turkey, Canada and the United States during the 7th edition on Thursday and Friday of the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF) scientific congress held at Parliament Palace in Bucharest, UMF rector Ioanel Sinescu told AGERPRES.

BNR launches silver coin: "140 years since the founding of the Macedo-Romanian Cultural Society"

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) on Wednesday launches into the numismatic circuit the silver coin with the theme "140 years since the founding of the Macedo-Romanian Cultural Society," BNR informs in a press release sent to AGERPRES. The coin has the face value of 10 lei, round shape, measures 37 mm in diameter, it has 31,103 grams weight and milled edge.

PNL's Turcan says PM Dancila should start electioneering by reading constitution

First Deputy Chair of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) Raluca Turcan said Wednesday that Prime Minister Viorica Dancila should start her presidential campaign by reading the constitution, adding that the PM should come next week before Parliament with a government reshuffle if she does want to do "many good things for Romanians." "Viorica Dancila should start electioneering by readin
