
A better world requires new engaging agoras

I was lucky enough to be able to attend this year's Athens Democracy Forum held in association with The New York Times in the shadow of the Acropolis, in the "cradle of democracy." For three days I got to hear from politicians, entrepreneurs, and civil society leaders that democracy as we have come to know it is under stress.

First Round of the Regular Local Elections in Bulgaria Ended at 8 PM

The first round of the regular local elections in Bulgaria ended at 8 pm local time. The elections went smoothly without any significant violations, the Central Election Commission announced. At 6.30 pm, the voter turnout was 42.85% (2 709 340 people cast their ballots out of all 6 322 979 Bulgarians who have the right to vote at today's elections).

#2019PresidentialElection PMP and UDMR candidates believe Constitution reform needed

The People's Movement Party (PMP) and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) candidates to Romania's presidency, Theodor Paleologu and Kelemen Hunor, maintained on Saturday, during a debate organised within the "Know your candidate" campaign, that a constitutional reform is needed, however each having different opinions on the topic.

Government plans change in tax regime

Turkey's government aims for higher revenues by making changes into the existing tax regime, ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Party Group Deputy Chairman Mehmet Muş announced on Oct. 24.
Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) submitted on Oct. 24 a new draft law to the parliament, which proposes regulations on the tax system.

Cross-party committee reaches agreement on diaspora vote

A cross-party committee discussing ruling New Democracy's initiative to grant full voting rights to diaspora Greeks reached a consensus, Interior Minister  Takis Theodorikakos announced on Tuesday evening.

Lawmakers agreed that the vote will count towards the overall election result and that diaspora Greeks will be able to select among 15 (previously 12) candidates from a state list.

Foreign Ministry releases list and interactive map of the 835 polling stations to be organised abroad

Bucharest, Oct 22 /Agerpres/ - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announced on Monday evening having released the complete list and the interactive map of the 835 polling stations that will be organized abroad for the presidential election this November; the list and the interactive map are available at http://www.mae.ro/node/49479.
