
Share Your Views: Democracy Today in Europe’s Ex-Communist Bloc

The fall of the Berlin Wall marked one of the greatest turning points in world history, seen by many as a bright new dawn for Europe and its path towards freedom and unification.

But three decades on from the event that set off the continent's path to the end of communism, nations are re-erecting metaphorical and literal walls, sowing division again.

AEP: 38,944 Romanians abroad enrolled for voting at polling stations; 41,003 are to vote by mail

The deadline for Romanians abroad to enroll for the voting in the presidential elections in November expired on Sunday, thus 38,944 electors chose to vote at the pooling stations, whereas 41,003 electors chose to vote by mail, according to the www.votstrainatate.ro website, opened by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP).

PM Dancila: Deadline for registration of enfranchised Romanians in Diaspora to be extended until September 15

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Thursday that the Government will adopt an emergency ordinance extending to September 15 the deadline for the registration of out-of-country Romanian citizens with voting right in the Electoral Register, for the presidential elections.

Wednesday is final registration day for citizens who want to vote abroad in presidential election

Wednesday is the final day in which the citizens who want to vote abroad in the presidential elections can register on www.votstrainatate.ro Those who wish to vote abroad in the presidential elections can register as voters abroad through an online form, until 23:59:59 at the latest.

Vote and homecoming

Some are deliberately creating the impression that the introduction of postal voting for Greeks abroad is an attempt to distort the electorate with expats who have been cut off from the body politic.

PM Dancila asks Electoral Authority to extend deadline for Romanians abroad registering with electoral register

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that she asked the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) to extend the deadline for the registration of Romanians abroad with the Electoral Register in order to increase the number of those who can use postal voting.
