
The battle against progress

By Angelos Stangos

The rabid reactions to the anti-racism bill are neither random nor unheard-of. They are in the same vein as reactions against the construction of a mosque in Athens and common-law marriage, and before that against the removal of religion from identity cards and long before that to women’s right to vote.

Invitation to ethnic Albanians and Roma to vote in elections

BELGRADE - Presidents of the national councils of ethnic Albanians and Roma, Galip Beciri and Vitomir Mihajlovic, invited the members of their ethnic groups to register on the special electoral rolls and vote in the elections for members of the national minority councils in Serbia set for October 26.

Let’s do e-voting

The voting is over and the winner is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. However, the aftermath of the voting is still chaotic. Every party that participated in the elections is busy trying to figure out what the results mean for their future and how they should proceed into the future. The reason why there is so much debate is the huge number of people who did not vote.

Croatia's constitutional court: No referendum on Cyrillic

ZAGREB - Croatia will not hold a referendum on the official use of the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet after the country's constitutional court ruled the proposed referendum question as unconstitutional.

The Constitutional Court made the ruling on Monday after the parliament requested that the constitutionality of the announced referendum be assessed.
