Electric power distribution

RES power ditched on Easter Sunday to prevent blackout

Cutbacks in the generation of power from renewable energy sources exceeded all precedent over the Easter holidays, aimed to maintain system stability due to falling demand and high RES output.

The most difficult day was Easter Sunday, specifically around midday, when RES production peaked due to the high output of photovoltaics.

Power theft puts freeze on reductions

Grid losses and power thefts in 2021 and 2022 have been ascertained by Greek power grid operator DEDDIE to amount to 500 million euros. The bill was sent to providers, which in turn are passing it on to consumers.

Therefore, while wholesale electricity prices are going down, consumers will see no benefit in April nor the next few months.

Grid usage fees will continue to rise this year

Power rates may be going down thanks to the drop in fuel prices, but the regulatory charges continue to rise in electricity bills.

Since last May, the fees for the use of the grid, in favor of its operator (DEDDIE), have almost doubled, adding to an average household's energy costs 76 euros per annum (from €98 to €174) and they are set to rise further.
