
Borrell calls for strengthening of Operation Irini

EU foreign policy head Josep Borrell on Tuesday called for the strengthening of Operation Irini, the bloc's naval mission in the Mediterranean Sea aimed at enforcing the UN arms embargo on Libya.
"Operation Irini has hailed ships, since it was launched, on more than 130 occasions," Borrell said after a videoconference of EU defense ministers.

Greece welcomes new mission to enforce Libya arms embargo

Greece welcomed a decision by European Union foreign ministers on Monday to launch a new maritime effort focused on enforcing the UN arms embargo around Libya.
Speaking in Brussels where the meeting of EU foreign ministers took place, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias reiterated Greece's commitment to take part in the operation.

Turkey: Lifting Cyprus arms embargo would be ‘dangerous escalation’

Turkey has warned that US moves to lift a decades-old arms embargo on Cyprus would undermine efforts to reunite the Mediterranean island and create a "dangerous escalation."
The US Congress voted Tuesday to end the embargo on the island, which was imposed in 1987 with the aim of preventing an arms buildup that would obstruct diplomatic efforts at a peace settlement.

Montenegro Woos EU by Matching Sanctions

Montenegro has expanded the list of countries against which it has an arms embargo, allying itself further with the EU, which it hope to join.

A government document, which BIRN has seen, shows that the list of countries against which the sanctions have been imposed to include Belarus, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Egypt, Somalia and Zimbabwe.
