Engineering education

Turkish women scientists’ ratio surpasses EU average, data shows

The proportion of women scientists and engineers in Turkey surpassed the EU average in 2019, according to the Eurostat report.

The report said there were around 15.4 million scientists and engineers in the EU in 2019, adding that 59 percent of them were men, while 41 percent were women.

Greece among smartest countries in the world in science (photos)

Greeks place a great deal of importance on education and knowledge, and despite the economic crisis that has hit country since 2010 and a great brain drain, it is among the smartest countries when it comes to students graduating with science degrees. According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which tracks the college degrees.

Turkey lags behind in STEM policies

The executive board chairman of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), Erol Bilecik, has drawn attention to slackness in Turkey's STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) system. "We expect that in 2013, employment will reach up to 34 million and 3.5 million of this will be STEM employments.
