Ethnic groups in Greece

Great Albania threats to tear Balkan apart

Great Albania threats to tear Balkan apart

Albanian terrorists, members of the UCK attacked Macedonian institutions in the last two weeks in Gosinac, small city near the Albanian border. Many experts stated that these attacks are reprise of the same scenario like the one in Kosovo. One thing is sure: the tensions between Macedonia and Albania are growing.

Turkey asks for investigation into Greek mosque attacks

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has asked Greece to investigate the vandalism of two mosques in Komotini following incidents on Friday.

?Turkey requests Greek authorities to clarify as soon as possible the reason for these atrocious events, which occurred in sacred places? for the Muslim minority in Thrace, a statement said on Saturday, according to the Anadolu Agency.

Thessaloniki Jews remember the Nazi train of shame (photos)

A crowd of 2,000 people gathered at Freedom Square, Thessaloniki, to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the deportation of 56,000 Greek Sephardic Jews. They solemnly marched from the square to the city's old railway station where the first of 18 trains departed for the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex on March 15, 1943.

Milka Stefanova: Greeks Have Money, but Their State Doesn't

Thousands of Bulgarians live and work in Greece and are anxious about the EU future of Bulgaria's southern neighbor. In Sunday's early parliamentary election this future is at stake, as politicians there are sending mixed signals and as a scenario could unfold causing "the cradle of democracy" to fall out of the cradle rocked by Europe.

Bulgarian Man Arrested by Macedonian Police for Human Smuggling Attempt

Macedonian border police officers detained a 33-year-old Bulgarian national who tried to smuggle 11 illegal immigrants through the country.

All of the 11 people were Syrian nationals and were hiding in a hidden compartment of a truck driven by the Bulgarian national.
