
University tuitions skyrocket, students in dire straits

Students who have had difficulty in paying the increased tuition fees at private universities now have been surprised by the new exorbitant increases announced for next academic year.

The increases in tuition fees of private universities exceeding 200 percent have been drawing the reaction of students since the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year.

Bank Fees in Bulgaria Continue to Rise

The trend of rising fees that banks collect for various products and services continues. The next increase has been a fact since the beginning of August, mainly referring to the service in the branches. The explanation is that, in addition to inflation, the administrative costs of maintaining a branch network make services offered locally more expensive.

Robert College most expensive with $17,750 annual fee

As administrations of private schools have started announcing their annual education fees, Istanbul's Robert College has topped the "most expensive school" list with an annual fee of some 294,000 Turkish Liras ($17,750), the daily Milliyet has reported.

"Families have to pay nearly a fortune to send their children to private schools," the daily wrote on June 6.
