Foreign relations of Russia

Putin Considers War with Ukraine Impossible, Has No Imperial Ambitions

Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed a possible war between Moscow and Kiev and said that he did not harbour any ambitions of reviving the Russian empire.

These statement were made during the annual televised question and answer session, which was held on Thursday.

EU chair denounces Greek criticism of Russia sanctions

Latvia, current holder of the EU presidency, said on Friday it was surprised by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's criticism of European Union sanctions against Russia.

The Latvian prime minister's comments came after left-wing Tsipras met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, and lashed out against what he termed the EUs «vicious cycle of sanctions».

Russia as "gravest challenge to European security"

Russia as "gravest challenge to European security"

OSLO -- Defense ministers of Nordic countries have published a joint statement in a newspaper referring to Russia as "the gravest challenge to security of Europe."

The piece published in Aftenposten, Norway's highest circulation newspaper, was signed by defense ministers of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland.

Press, EU react to Putin-Tsipras meeting

In a Facebook post on Wednesday afternoon Alexis Tsipras - or one of his aides - wrote that "the foundations for a substantive restart of Greek-Russian relations" was taken during a meeting in Moscow with Vladimir Putin.

He also repeated that Greece is a "sovereign country with the right to conduct a multi-dimensional foreign policy and to exploit its geopolitical role".
