Gender equality

Poland Set to Lose Billions in EU Funds over Anti-LGBT Zones

"I want to draw your attention to the Polish government's lack of cooperation with the Commission in checking whether the resolutions adopted in Poland concerning so-called 'zones free of LGBT ideology' are compatible with EU law," wrote Helena Dalli, European commissioner for equality, in the letter sent to Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau.

EWL President: Protection of Women Is Not Radical Feminism

"Discrimination works like a poison," she says, alluding to her own experiences as a teacher in Hungary, when she was struck by the racist and sexist remarks directed to Roma or half-black students by fellow classmates.

"It was a real challenge learning how to handle it," the energetic forty-something woman admits.

Romanian Women Find Work-From-Home Culture a Mixed Blessing

These imbalances were already present in society. In 2018, an OECD report said women had far less access to the internet and to a smartphone than men, while a UN women's report concluded that 1.7 billion women from countries with low and middle incomes didn't have a mobile phone at all.

Turkey rebuffs criticisms over exit from Istanbul Convention

Turkey has rebuffed criticisms from the West over its decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, a pact designed to counter violence against women.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said on March 21 that withdrawal from the convention should not be regarded as a concession on the fight against violence against women.
