
A Syrian's love story

Syrian Raghda Hassan, who is now living in Istanbul and was featured in award-winning British documentary 'A Syrian Love Story,' says she will continue fighting for her country from her new homeSyrian revolutionist Raghda Hassan, whose life is the subject of award-winning documentary "A Syrian Love Story," filmed by British director Sean McAllister, has been living in Istanbul for nearly three

Bulgarian National Radio Celebrates 81st Anniversary

The Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) celebrates its 81st anniversary on Monday.

On 25 January 1935, Tsar Boris III signed a decree which made radio diffusion in the then Kingdom of Bulgaria a state property.

BNR's history of broadcasting began with a seven-hour program, which used to include news broadcasted two times a day for ten minutes.

INTERVIEW: Historian Ryan Gingeras on Atatürk as 'heir to the Ottoman Empire'

The legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is still bitterly contested in today's Turkey. Approaching the centenary of the republic's establishment, the process of Westernization, secularization and modernization led by Turkey's nationalist founding father still provides the reference against which various political movements - whether sympathetic or antagonistic - define themselves. 

Bosnia Could Release Abu Hamza in February

Imad al-Husin, better known as Abu Hamza, who has been detained without trial at the Lukavica immigration centre of under suspicion of representing a threat to Bosnian national security, will be soon released, his lawyer said on Thursday.

"Abu Hamza could be released in February," Nedim Kulenovic, the lawyer from the NGO Vasa Prava, which is representing al-Husin, told BIRN.
