Geography of Asia

Free Syrian Army commander's car explodes in southeastern Turkey

A bomb placed in the car of a Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander has detonated in southeastern Turkey, while the commander is being treated for heavy injuries. 

An FSA commander identified as Cemil Radon was severely wounded when his car exploded at midday on Aug. 26 in Hatay province, on Turkey?s border with Syria.  

Turkey named world's sixth largest textile exporter

Turkey was named the sixth largest textile and confection exporter of the world by making around 4 percent of such exports globally in 2014, according to a note released by the Turkish Statistics Institute (TÜ?K) on Aug. 25. 

China topped the list with 41 percent, followed by India with 5.4 percent, Italy with 5.3 percent and Germany with 5 percent. 

Israel meets three-quarters of oil demand from KRG via Turkey: Report

Israel has reportedly purchased as much as 77 percent of its oil supplies from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq, providing them with an essential source of funding in their campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a new report in the Financial Times revealed on Aug. 24.

Rich Beach: How Turks worry and party simultaneously

Erospolis, the old Hürriyet Daily News column on the weird, absurd and unsavory stories in Turkey, is back with more Turkish portraits. Not surprisingly, its first stop is the Aegean coastal resorts of Alaçat? and Çe?me, where Turkey's glitzy jet-set and their facsimiles simultaneously complain about the rising dollar and pay 750 Turkish Liras for some shade under the blazing Aegean sun...
