
Bulgarian Parliament to Elect New Ombudsman

The Bulgarian Parliament is to hold an election of the country's new ombudsman on Thursday.

There are two candidates for the position - the incumbent ombudsman Konstantin Penchev, who was nominated for a second term by the Reformist Bloc (RB) and Maya Manolova, who is a nomination of her colleagues from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP).

Bulgarian MPs Decide Only Question on E-Voting to Appear on Referendum

The referendum, which has been proposed by Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, will feature only the question concerning the introduction of remote electronic voting.

This was decided by the Bulgarian Parliament on Tuesday with 131 MPs voting in favour, 41 voting against, while three abstained, daily Dnevnik reports.

Three Quarters of Bulgarian MPs Submit Draft to Change Constitution

Proposed changes to Bulgaria's constitution meant to push forward a reform of the judicial system have been backed by 75% of the members of parliament.

A total of 180 MPs from both governing and opposition political parties have signed a draft bill calling for amendments to the constitution that was submitted to parliament on Friday.

Bulgaria's Two Largest Parties Fail to Reach Agreement on Changes to Constitution

The two largest parties represented in the Bulgarian parliament - GERB and BSP failed to reach an agreement on the tabled constitutional amendments.

This became clear after a brief meeting between Bulgarian Prime Minister and leader of the main ruling party (GERB) Boyko Borisov and leader of the largest opposition party (BSP) Mihail Mikov on Wednesday.

Two Protests Call for Genuine Judicial Reform in Downtown Sofia

Two protests calling for genuine judicial reform are taking place near the building of the Bulgarian Parliament on Wednesday.

Participants in one of the protests will drink coffee in support of the judicial reform and the constitutional amendments and against the alternative proposals of the second largest opposition party - DPS.

Bulgaria's GERB, BSP to Seek Consensus on Constitutional Amendments

The talks on garnering parliamentary majority for the amendments to the Bulgarian constitution will continue on Wednesday.

This will happen at a meeting between Bulgarian Prime Minister and leader of the main ruling party (GERB) Boyko Borisov and leader of the largest opposition party (BSP) Mihail Mikov.
