Greek government-debt crisis

Spanish leader Rajoy in Athens for talks as parties gear up for last phase of election campaigns

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will meet with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Wednesday morning and is expected to express support for his fellow conservative leader as Greece moves into the final stretch of its election campaign, in which New Democracy will focus on the premier?s still-intact popularity.

Fresh bourse gains as poll leader SYRIZA softens stance

Steering clear of any anti-bailout rhetoric and offering lukewarm assurances of honoring Greece?s commitments, poll-leading SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has fueled market hopes that the change in government expected after the January 25 election will not have too dramatic an impact on the country and the eurozone, leading the local stock market to further gains on Tuesday.

Opposition tactics

A new theory has made its way into our everyday discourse and has even featured in major international newspapers: the conviction that the head of the main opposition, Alexis Tsipras, will make a complete about-turn from his current positions if his SYRIZA party wins the elections and that there is no reason to worry.

Eurogroup chief pledges to work with Greece after election

The head of the group of eurozone finance ministers promised Tuesday to work with the winner of the upcoming Greek election, but urged Athens to stick with austerity.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the president of the Eurogroup who also serves as the Dutch finance minister, also stressed that the region could offer more help should Greece keep its promise to reform.
