
The Ban on the Import of some Ukrainian Goods into Bulgaria Comes into Force Today

The ban on the import into Bulgaria of certain goods from Ukraine comes into force. The introduced restrictions affect the import of wheat, honey, dairy and meat products, alcohol and several other basic food products. The goal is to support Bulgarian farmers.

Sunflower Yields are Lower this Year Because of Drought

Compared to last year, sunflower yields in some areas are definitely lower, because of the drought, which will also affect the overall average yield in the country, said the Chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers, Kostadin Kostadinov, in an interview with Focus News Agency. "This year has been quite diverse for all agricultural production.

Ground apples?

The title may suggest that late Jerusalem artichokes must be one of the vegetables that have stirred up much confusion by their name and use in history. The vegetable is actually the tuber of a pretty yellow flower from the sunflower family, which is native to North America and Canada. Like peppers, potatoes and tomatoes, it is a gift of the Columbian exchange to the cuisines of the old world.