Income tax

Revenues hit as taxpayers are strapped

Taxpayers' exhaustion from overtaxation is reflected in the significant decline in revenues from income tax, which missed their target by 686 million euros last year. The hole created in the budget was plugged by confiscations and debt settlements that fetched revenues which overshot their target by 639 million euros.

SEV: Greece is the European champion in corporate taxes

Corporate taxation in Greece is burdensome and anti-competitive, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) says in a report published on Thursday, stressing that Greek taxes also fail to draw revenues above the average rate of other European countries that as a rule have lower corporate taxation.

Taxi Companies From Plovdiv Want Changes in the Road Transport Act

Representatives of the taxi companies in Plovdiv have requested an amendment to the Road Transport Act. This decision was reached at a workshop attended by nearly 40 professionals from different companies. They have identified several key requests to be submitted to local and national authorities.

One fifth of Greeks covering 83 pct of annual income taxes

The left-led government's blase response to criticism of its overtaxation of the middle class can be explained by the fact that it actually only affects a relatively small section of the population: From a total of about 8.8 million taxpayers, 80 percent, or 7.1 million, pay from zero to 100 euros per month in taxes.

Figures suggest growing number unable to pay taxes

Almost half a million taxpayers were added to the long list of debtors to the state in the month of September, according to the latest data from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.

The authority's figures are a reflection of citizens' increasing inability to pay their taxes, with 410,000 not paying their second income tax installment and the ENFIA property tax in September.
