
Serbian financial, corporate sectors expect 3.5-5 pct one-year ahead inflation

BELGRADE - The results of a June Ninamedia survey show that one-year ahead inflation expectations of the Serbian financial sector amounted to 3.7 pct, declining from the previous month (3.9 pct) and getting closer to the NBS target midpoint, says the National Bank of Serbia (NBS).

NBS: 0.1 pct June inflation at lowest monthly level in 2024

BELGRADE - Quoting figures from the national statistical office, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) said on Friday Serbian y-o-y inflation had slowed down to 3.8 pct in June, staying on the path projected by the central bank.

"The inflation slowdown is owed chiefly to the prices of food and petroleum products," the NBS said in a statement.

Worst is over in inflation, says Finance Minister Şimşek

The worst is over in inflation, Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek has said, adding that "we are the beginning of the disinflation process."

"We are implementing a very consistent disinflation program," Şimşek said in a speech he delivered at the Turkish Industry and Business Association's (TÜSİAD) high advisory council meeting in Istanbul.
