International sanctions

Serbia "rejects Russia sanctions - but suffers from them"

Serbia has not, and will not, join anyone's sanctions against Russia, but it is suffering the consequences of the measure, says Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic.

"Paradoxically, daughter companies from Russia that are registered and operating in Serbia are under sanctions, while daughter companies of Russian companies registered in the EU are not," said Dacic.

Zarrab arrives in New York to appear in court

Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-born Turkish businessman who was arrested in Miami a month ago over attempting to evade U.S. sanctions on Iran, will appear in a New York court on April 27 following a four-leg transference journey from Miami. 

Zarrab will appear in Manhattan Federal Court at 10 a.m. before J. Richard Berman.

Zarrab indictment expanded to include Turkey as 'crime scene'

An indictment for Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-born Turkish businessman who was arrested in Miami a month ago over attempting to evade U.S. sanctions on Iran, has expanded from New York to include "Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere" as places where the crime may have been committed. 
