
Former Israeli PM Convicted in Corruption Retrial

The former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was convicted on Monday by the Jerusalem District Court in a retrial, which reversed its earlier 2012 acquittal.

Olmert could face up to five more years in prison as he was found guilty of fraud under "aggravated circumstances" due to the high amount of funds and his high position, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Israel to Unfreeze Tax Transfers to Palestine

Israel will resume the transfer of tax revenues levied on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, which had been suspended since January.

The re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu justified this move with rising humanitarian concerns, the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and the rise of extremism.

Palestinian rockets killed Gaza civilians during war: Amnesty

In a damning report released March 26, Amnesty International said Palestinian rocket fire during the 2014 summer war in Gaza had killed more civilians inside the Gaza Strip than inside Israel.
Such deadly attacks on civilians were against international law and constituted "a war crime," it said.

Obama tells Netanyahu U.S. to "reassess" policy on Israel, Mideast diplomacy

President Barack Obama told Benjamin Netanyahu on March 19 that Washington would "reassess" its options on U.S.-Israel relations and Middle East diplomacy after the Israeli prime minister took a position against Palestinian statehood during his re-election campaign, a White House official said.
