Istanbul pogrom

Forest fire in Mersin extinguished after 6 hours

The forest fire in the southern province of Mersin's Anamur district has been extinguished in six hours with the intervention of a large number of aerial and ground teams, while a total of 51 decares in area was damaged in the fire.

Breaking out in a wooded area in Anamur at around 1:30 a.m. on July 10, the fire spread over a wide area in a short time.

Balıklı Rum Hospital renovated after fire

The restoration of the Balıklı Rum Hospital's historical nursing home building, tragically reduced to ashes by a devastating fire last year, has reached its culmination.

A fire broke out on Aug. 4, 2022, in the historical nursing home building of Balıklı Rum Hospital, which served as a military hospital during the First World War.

Menderes commemorated on 60th anniversary of execution

Adnan Menderes, Turkey's first democratically elected prime minister, is being commemorated 60 years after his execution following a coup in 1960, an event marking a dark era in Turkish history.

An official ceremony was held in Istanbul on Sept. 17 for Adnan Menderes and two ministers of the time, Hasan Polatkan and Fatin Rüştü Zorlu, who were executed on Sept. 16 and 17, 1961.

Destroying a minority: Turkey’s September 6-7, 1955 pogrom against the Greeks of Istanbul

By George Gilson

The Turkish pogrom against the Greeks of Istanbul which began on 6 September is one of the darkest pages in recent Turkish history and one of the deepest wounds in the collective memory of the Greek nation.

As in the case of the Armenian Genocide, the Turkish state in the ensuing decades never acknowledged the pogrom against the Greek minority. It denied it.
