
Business is still on wrong course in Greece

The Greek economy remains in search of a production model that would generate added value and long-term, full-time employment and would not rely exclusively on domestic consumption, as most new enterprises are in the sectors of entertainment and food catering rather than productive fields such as manufacturing or technology.

Would you eat a Nutella-filled kebab? (pics)

A Sydney dessert bar has introduced a saccharin equivalent of the doner kebab, complete with a rotating white and milk chocolate rotisserie, which is shaved as it spins.

Dulwich Hill’s Tella Balls Dessert Bar, which is best known for their over-the-top doughnut-topped tella ball milkshakes, is calling their new creation the “tellabab”.

Luscious Loquat

Three colors constitute the traffic lights: Red, yellow and green. These three colors are also indicators of spring in Turkey. A plate of red cherries, yellow loquats and greengages has an unquestionable place at a spring table. This wonderful trio of fruits adorns tables in an inseparable combination often served instead of dessert, presented with a few ice cubes to emphasize juicy freshness.

Turkish kebab restaurant owner in Portugal becomes famous after mob

A Turkish kebab restaurant owner in the Portuguese capital Lisbon has become an Internet hero after he defended himself with meat cleaver when a violent mob descended on his store.

According to reports from Portuguese media, a group of 50 young people raided into Mustafa Kartal's restaurant Palácio do Kebab in Don Luis Street on April 25 after leaving a party, firing guns.
