Kosovo War

Serbia marks 15th anniversary of NATO bombing campaign

BELGRADE - Serbia is on Monday marking the Remembrance Day for the victims of the NATO bombing campaign which killed around 3,000 and wounded around 12,000 people 15 years ago.

During the 78-day air raids, 1,008 Yugoslav Forces troops and Serbian policemen were killed, as well as around 1,500 civilians, including 89 children, while about a dozen people remain missing.

15 years since start of NATO's war against Serbia

15 years since start of NATO's war against Serbia

BELGRADE -- 15 years ago today NATO launched its campaign of aerial attacks against Serbia, then a part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ, FRY).

The western military alliance made the decision to attack Serbia without the approval of the UN Security Council, which was considered "a precedent."

Kfor commander: Security in Kosovo improved significantly

PRISTINA - Security has improved significantly across Kosovo since the signing of the Belgrade-Pristina agreement on April 19 last year, Kfor Commander General Salvatore Farina has said.

Farina made the statement on Wednesday during a meeting with the Chief of Staff of the Albanian Armed Forces Jeronim Bazo, the Ansa agency reports.

South of Serbia Could Request to Join Kosovo

Southern parts of Serbia could request to join Kosovo if Crimea is incorporated into Russia.

"If authorities in Moscow demand that Crimea join Russia, Tirana [Albania's capital] and Pristina [Kosovo's capital] should demand the same for Presevo valley," Jonuz Musliu, head of Bujanovac Municipality, was quoted as saying by Serbian radio B92 and CROSS news agency.

Irinej: Kosovo is Serbian Jerusalem

BELGRADE - Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Irinej said on Monday at a forum commemorating the 10th anniversary of the March pogrom, destruction of Serbian holy sites and exodus of the Serbs from Kosovo, that it had been an attempt to destroy the root of the Serbian people and erase their existence in that area.
