Ledra Street

UN’s Cyprus force keeping eye on Turkish Cypriot moves in buffer zone

UN peacekeepers on the ethnically divided island of Cyprus are reportedly keeping a close eye on recent Turkish Cypriot activity in the buffer zone between the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish-occupied north, following tension in August over Turkish Cypriot efforts to build a road traversing United Nations-controlled territory.

Greek Cypriot police use tear gas at bicommunal protest against crossing closure

Greek Cypriot police sprayed tear gas on March 7 as several hundred people protested against the closure of crossings on the divided island's ceasefire line over coronavirus fears.

Four Greek Cypriot police officers were injured allegedly in divided Nicosia during scuffles with demonstrators in which police made use of personal tear gas spray to disperse the crowd.

?and the show goes on in Cyprus

Mustafa Ak?nc? and Nikos Anastasiades, the leaders of the two communities of the divided Cyprus wined and dined at an occasion hosted by Espen Barth Eide, the special envoy of the UN secretary-general, and agreed to kick off the Cyprus talks wherever they were abandoned last October by the Greek Cypriot leadership.

In Cyprus negotiations, this time it’s different

The leaders of both Turkish and Greek communities in Cyprus recently signed a joint declaration committing themselves to a confederation of two federal states. Thus the Cyprus negotiations restarted. That is better than the alternative. But there is reason to look beyond the usual pessimism of Cyprus watchers. I think this round is truly set to be different. Let me explain why.