Legal professions

Nikolic: Lawyers' demands met

BELGRADE - The amendments to the law on public notaries and the law on real estate transactions, which are in parliamentary procedure, are in line with the Serbian constitution, and meet the "legitimate demands of the associations of lawyers" that have launched the ongoing strike of lawyers, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said on Wednesday.

Selakovic rejects lawyers' proposal for EU mediation

BELGRADE - Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic has rejected the proposal by the Bar Association of Serbia (AKS) for the EU Delegation to Serbia to mediate the dispute between lawyers, who are on strike, and the Ministry of Justice, adding that the Ministry's offer for fulfillment of the lawyers' requests is still on the table.

Lawyers reject ministry's offer, strike continues

Lawyers reject ministry's offer, strike continues

BELGRADE -- The Bar Association of Serbia (AKS) rejected on Monday a proposal of the Justice Ministry meant to resolve a dispute and end the strike of lawyers.

The ministry's offer concerned amendments to the Law on Notaries Public and regulation of the issue of arbitrary taxation.
