
In ‘Poor Things,’ Emma Stone takes an unusual path to enlightenment

It is sickly hilarious to make a movie in which so much consensual sex is had, often so gleefully, that is not the least bit sexy. Though Bella Baxter's insatiable libido might be her guiding light at first in "Poor Things," sexual liberation (or "furious jumping," as she calls it) is only part of this fantastical, anarchic journey to consciousness.

Hot flushes and low libido? You may be suffering from MANopause

Male menopause is real and there is a cure for it! In a paper by the Journal of Ageing, rsearchers at the Centre for Men’s Health in London found that 20% of men over 50 suffered from testosterone deficiency.

Symptoms included, amongst others:
* hot flushes
* night sweats
* pain in joints
* a dive in libido
* body fat increase