
ANSA: ISIS terrorists heading to Italy in migrant-laden vessels

ANSA sent shivers through southern Europe on Tuesday with a report that Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists will be ferried into Italy “in the coming weeks” concealed amongst illegal migrants loaded aboard various smugglers’ vessels.
The Italian news agency quotes Omar al Gawari, the information minister in Libya’s Tobruk government.

Libya: 600 African migrants attempting to cross Med intercepted

The Libyan coast guard arrested about 600 African migrants, including a  pregnant woman and 18 minors, who were trying to board a fishing boat in an apparent attempt to land on some EU shore.

Libya, which is in chaos after Gaddafi’s downfall, has since become a portal for illegal immigration from sub-Saharan Africa into Europe via the Mediterranean.




IS Releases Video Depicting `Killing` of Ethiopian Christians

Islamic State (IS) released a new video, which purportedly shows the killing of up to thirty Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The video depicts one group of men being beheaded on a beach and another group being shot in the head in a desert, the BBC reports.

The victims are believed to be members of the Ethiopian Church, who had been captured by IS militants in Libya.

Tsipras says EU needs urgent plan to tackle migrant crisis

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras urged the European Union on Sunday to urgently come up with a plan to tackle a mounting migrant humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean.

"The Mediterranean must stop being a graveyard sea and southern European countries a storage of human souls,» Tsipras said in a televised address.
