
Egyptians remain in detention after Greek court acquittal over shipwreck

Greek police detained nine Egyptians on Thursday saying they could flee the country, despite a court ruling dismissing a case against them over a 2023 shipwreck, one of the deadliest in the Mediterranean.

The disaster shocked Europe and the case has been followed closely in Greece, which has been a gateway to the European Union for thousands of migrants and refugees.

The deal rerouting migrant boats from Libya to Greece

Last September, just 30 asylum seekers made the 190-nautical-mile journey from Tobruk in Libya to the Greek island of Gavdos and Crete's southern coast just above it; that number swelled to 397 in December and has passed 1,100 in the first couple of months of 2024. The spike in migrant arrivals from the war-torn North African country is posing a fresh challenge for the Greek authorities.

Greece challenges Libya declaration of 24 nm contiguous zone

In a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Greece's permanent representative to the organization, Evangelos Sekeris, says that Libya's recent decision to declare a 24-nautical mile contiguous zone, extending beyond its 12-nautical mile territorial sea, violates international law in three key respects.

Libya declares contiguous zone of 24 nautical miles

In the latest reshuffling of the pack in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Tripoli government in Libya has informed the United Nations of the Council of Ministers' decision, led by Prime Minister Abdul Hamid al-Dbeibeh, to declare a 12 nautical mile territorial waters zone and then, to declare a contiguous zone extending 24 nautical miles northward, as permitted by the United Nations Convention on
