
What Happens When You Lose Abortion Rights and How to Win Them Back: 6 Lessons From Poland

The cultural tier has to do with language and public imagination. The strategy is far more insidious than just taking part in public debate. Anti-choice propaganda is relentless, loud, gruesome and repetitive. It ignores reality, it appeals to deep-felt anxieties. It can be brutal, as with images of cut-up, bloody foetuses paraded in front of schools or driven around on the sides of vans.

Are leaders “playing God”?

By Dr Pierre Casse, IEDC Professor and Elnura Irmatova, IEDC Research Assistan "I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability" Oscar Wilde Background God (the ultimate leader!) has always been questioned and even challenged. It seems that human beings have a very strong need to get an answer to a simple question: Why do we exist?
