Memed, My Hawk

He was the folk hero of my life

The death of each good writer and good friend is like the death of some part of you.
This is what I felt with the passing of Ya?ar Kemal.

When you come to know intimately a writer from all of his books you have read, you come to know his human side not just his literary side. He was an example of being a writer of people; he was my life?s only people?s hero.

Great Turkish writer dies at 92

Turkey’s first Nobel Prizer for literature Yasar Kemal has died on Friday in an Istanbul hospital following respiratory and organ failure.
He was an ethnic Kurd born in south-eastern Turkey who won international fame for his first novel, Memed, My Hawk, published in 1955.
It became a worldwide success and was published in 40 languages.

Turkey's literary dean Ya?ar Kemal in critical condition after hospitalization

One of modern Turkey?s most celebrated literary figures, Ya?ar Kemal, has been hospitalized following respiratory problems, lung infection and heart arrhythmia Jan. 14.

Doctors said that the condition of the 92-year-old author was critical, adding that his symptoms suggested pneumonia.