Modern regions of Greece

Burglars make off with Larissa bishop's safe

Thieves have stolen a safe from the Bishopric of Larissa in central Greece, authorities revealed on Thursday.

The thieves forced their way in to the building during the night and stole the safe, which contained 1,500 euros in cash and some documents.

It is thought that the perpetrators loaded the safe onto some kind of trolley so they could take it to their car.

Illegal cigarettes seized in Thessaloniki warehouse

Members of the Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE) confiscated over 1.3 million packs of contraband cigarettes in a warehouse located the area of Kalochori, near the northern port city of Thessaloniki on Tuesday, Greek police said in a statement on Wednesday.

A truck bearing Bulgarian plates and heating devices were also discovered in the warehouse, according to early reports.

Five arrests made in Attica over debts to state of some 3 mln euros

Five people owing a total of almost 3 million euros to the state were arrested in Attica on Tuesday.

The former managing director of a company was arrested in Papagou, northeastern Athens, for debts of just over 1 million euros.

A 61-year-old woman, who is the member of a firm’s board, was arrested in Piraeus for debts of more than 834,000 euros.

Pediatrician arrested on child porn charges

A 47-year-old pediatrician in the town of Ioannina, northwestern Greece, was expected to face a local prosecutor over charges of child pornography, it emerged on Tuesday.

The suspect was arrested by members of a cyberspace crime police unit following an investigation on illegal material that was traced to the Ioannina-based doctor.

Trains Between Sofia and Thessaloniki to Run Again

The Greek railway company OSE restores the passenger trains between Sofia and Thessaloniki from May 10, reports Bulgaria's public broadcaster BNR. 

The train connection was terminated three years ago by OSE for economic reasons. Now the company renews it, along with the lines from Thessaloniki to Skopje and Belgrade. 
