15th anniversary of NATO bombing marked in Vienna

VIENNA - The Austrian-Serbian Solidarity Movement organized a gathering in downtown Vienna late on Monday to mark 15 years since the NATO aggression on the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

With the message “NATO aggression, a crime without punishment - Lest we forget", the public paid their respects to the victims of the 78-day bombing campaign.

FM on NATO spokeswoman tweet: Disrespect for Serbian victims

BELGRADE - The Serbian Foreign Ministry (FM) has said a NATO spokesperson's retweeting a picture featuring a "NATO AIR - Just Do It" slogan on her Twitter account represents disrespect for the Serbian victims of the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, adding that such actions are detrimental to cooperation between Serbia and NATO.

DSS: We cannot forgive and must not forget NATO crimes

BELGRADE - The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) held a commemoration rally in Belgrade downtown on Monday, promoting the policy of military and political neutrality on the Remembrance Day for the victims of the NATO aggression against Serbia.

DSS Vice-President Slobodan Samardzic said at the rally that NATO's criminal attacks must not be forgotten and cannot be forgiven.

15 years since start of NATO's war against Serbia

15 years since start of NATO's war against Serbia

BELGRADE -- 15 years ago today NATO launched its campaign of aerial attacks against Serbia, then a part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ, FRY).

The western military alliance made the decision to attack Serbia without the approval of the UN Security Council, which was considered "a precedent."

Troops Of 12 Countries To Hold An Exercise in Bulgaria

Land troops of 12 countries will take part in the international military exercise at the Novo Selo range in Bulgaria. 

Saber Guardian, the largest exercise for this year, starts on Friday and will include 700 troops from Bulgaria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, USA, Belgium, Turkey and Ukraine, according to Bulgaria's Defence Ministry.
