North Kosovo

Serbia Asks FIFA to Scrap Kosovo Friendlies

Atmosphere at Croatia-Swtzerland match and St Galen | Photo: Beta/AP

Serbia's Football Association, FSS, has written to FIFA, asked it to cancel a decision to allow Kosovo's national team to play friendly matches.

The FSS said the Serbian flag was set on fire before Kosovo's first such friendly, played in Mitrovica, northern Kosovo, against Haiti.

Ivanović still on hunger strike, his health deteriorates

Ivanović still on hunger strike, his health deteriorates

PRIŠTINA -- The health of Oliver Ivanović, the detained Serb politician from northern Kosovo, who earlier this week began a hunger strike, "has worsened."

This is according to his wife Milena Popović-Ivanović, who spoke late on Thursday.

Serb assemblies: Kosovo army would be open threat

ZVECAN - The members of the four municipal assemblies in northern Kosovo-Metohija on Thursday voiced concern over the announced plans of the Pristina authorities to form a Kosovo army.

"We see this as an act of open threat to security in the region and the safety of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija", North Mitrovica mayor Goran Rakic said at the assemblies' joint session in Zvecan.

Serbian gov't calls for urgent UN Security Council session

BELGRADE - The Serbian government will call for a UN Security Council session over the announcement of formation of the armed forces of Kosovo and deterioration of the security and political situation in Kosovo-Metohija, Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian minister without portfolio in charge of Kosovo-Metohija, said on Thursday.

Vulin: Serbian gov’t will help create new jobs in KiM

BELGRADE - Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Aleksandar Vulin said Wednesday that new local authorities in northern Kosovo will be solving citizens’ problems such as infrastructure development,illegal construction and changes in the ethnic structure of the population,and the Serbian government will deal with status issues.

Ivanovic: I do not feel safe, they want to discourage me

BELGRADE - The leader of the Citizens' Initiative Serbia, Democracy, Justice Oliver Ivanovic, who has been on a hunger strike since the denial of his third request for transfer to a detention unit in Kosovska Mitrovica, says that he does not feel safe in the Pristina prison, and that he is a target of politically motivated proceedings devoid of any sense.
