Organized crime

Brazen lawlessness

The daily strikes of organized crime networks are signs of a brazenness that can only be attributed to a sense of impunity on the part of these gangs.

The organized state is not allowed to continue to remain idle. It is also not acceptable that enforcement of the law and other core functions of the state should be suspended during the pre-election period

Montenegro Senior Police Official Arrested for Alleged Crime Ties

Montenegrin police director assistant Dejan Knezevic in his office in Podgorica. Photo: Government of Montenegro

Knezevic was arrested as part of a large-scale investigation of police links with the notorious Kavac drug gang, which has led to 12 current and ex-police officers' arrests and to national warrants for the arrest of three others.

Bulgarian Police found a Painting by Jackson Pollock that could be worth 50 Million Euros

A painting by the world-famous artist Jackson Pollock was discovered in Bulgaria during an operation by the Main Directorate "Fighting Organized Crime" and the Greek anti-organized crime services under the coordination of Europol. This was reported by the Bulgarian National Radio from its sources. According to experts, the price of such a painting can reach millions of euros.

State within a state

It has been obvious for years that the network of interests which developed in regions of Greece with excessive tourism has also spread its tentacles in the underworld.

Financial crime is now also linked to common crime.

Two US citizens kidnapped in Mexico found dead, two survive

Two US citizens kidnapped by suspected Mexican drug traffickers were found dead Tuesday while two others survived, in what officials said appeared to be a tragic case of mistaken identity.

Washington vowed to do everything in its power to ensure justice for the victims, who crossed the border into the crime-plagued city of Matamoros in Tamaulipas state on Friday for medical reasons.

Albania Police Find More Surveillance Cameras Erected by Gangsters

Albanian police on Friday said they had found 47 new surveillance cameras erected illegally in the Durres region.

They said the cameras had been put up "to provide information for criminal purposes, as well as to monitor the movements of the police". Eight people are under investigation.
