OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

Journalists safety "main media freedom issue in OSCE region"

The safety of journalists remains the main threat to media freedom in the OSCE region, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic has said.

Mijatovic made the remark on Monday during her visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the organization said in a statement posted on its website.

"Media freedom imperative for ensuring security"

"Freedom of expression and free media constitute two imperative tools in fostering a meaningful debate on security issues," says Dunja Mijatovic.

This is also necessary to "effectively address new security challenges," the OSCE representative on Freedom said delivering the Annual Harriman Lecture at Columbia University.

Bosnian public broadcasters could face collapse, OSCE warns

OSCE's representative on freedom of the media has urged the authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina "to prevent financial collapse of public service broadcasters."

They should "immediately address the long-standing issue of funding for the country’s public broadcasting system," Dunja Mijatovic has said, according to an OSCE statement issued on Tuesday.
