
OAEE asks for more support

OAEE, the social security fund for the self-employed, has seen its deficit increase and is again asking for additional financing via the special reserves of the Social Security Capital for the Solidarity of Generations (AKAGE).

One in two pensioners lose money from Tsipras’s ‘squaring the circle’ speech

Despite the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’s claim that he had managed to ’square the circle’ during his speech at the Thessaloniki International Fair, Sunday, the numbers paint a different story regarding the cuts in pensions. Half of the Greek pensioners (1.2 million) saw a cuts in their meagre incomes ranging from a few Euros to 230 Euros (abolition of the EKAS benefit).

Workers retire in view of new pension cuts

Tens of thousands of workers who have secured the right to retirement ahave rushed to submit their pension applications before new social security reform measures go into effect. Experts estimate that at least 40,000 retirement applications have been submitted by civil servants and private sector employees from the start of the year to April.
