Petro Poroshenko

Poroshenko and Clinton on "resisting Russian aggression"

According to his website, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has held a meeting with U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

A statement said that Poroshenko "informed Hillary Clinton about the situation in Donbas" and stressed that "Ukraine today fights for freedom and democratic values, which unite the whole democratic world."

Bulgaria President Dismisses Attacks over Joint Brigade with Ukraine

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev has not made any official steps on behalf of Bulgaria set up a joint army brigade with Ukraine and Romania, his press office has indicated, according to the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA).

Last week Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko announced the three countries were studying the possibility of taking the step.

Romania, Ukraine Plot Closer Defence Ties

Close cooperation on security topped the agenda in discussions between Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and his Ukrainian counterpart during Petro Poroshenko's visit to Romania on Thursday.

"We support Romania's initiative to create a NATO joint fleet in the Black Sea and we want to join it immediately once the initiative gets the Alliance's approval," President Poroshenko said.

Ukrainian Prime Minister to Submit Resignation Next Week

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk will submit his resignation to the country's parliament next week.

Yatsenyuk made this announcement in his weekly appearance on TV on Sunday, saying that his resignation will be tabled to parliament on Tuesday.

Yatsenyuk blamed the failure of politicians to "enact real changes", the BBC quotes him as saying.
