Physical therapy

Seven European Countries Hunting for Bulgarian Doctors

In Germany, Great Britain, Belgium and Scandinavia pay 5000 euros a month. The largest employers in seven European countries in Bulgaria for recruitment of medical professionals. Within the next international exhibition "Careers in White" hospitals, medical centers and companies will provide information to applicants on the requirements of the health system in the country.

Struggling father builds wooden physiotherapy tool for son in central Turkey

A father living in the Central Anatolian province of Niğde has built a physiotherapy tool from wood to try to treat his son, who is suffering from cerebral palsy, due to financial difficulties.
Furkan Çakmak, 40, followed videos on the Internet to find out how to make physiotherapy tools at home using wood and iron, in order to help his eight-year-old son Ali İhsan walk better. 

Meet the hot Greek physio Annabelle (photos)

The job of a physiotherapist very demanding and requires knowledge in a number of disciplines. Nowadays, Physiotherapy is well accepted by everyone as a treatment discipline that helps body function normally. If you combine that knowledge with looks, like the this female Greek physio called Annabelle, then you could expect many proposals.