Political parties

Dnevnik analyses SMC’s decision not to leave govt

Ljubljana – The newspaper Dnevnik takes issue in Monday’s commentary with the decision of the Modern Centre Party (SMC) to stay in the Janez Janša-led government despite his constant abuse. While agreeing that Karl Erjavec might not be the best option for prime minister, the paper says the party is also unhappy with all other potential candidates.

Despite SMC snub, Erjavec plans vote of no confidence

Ljubljana – Karl Erjavec, the leader of the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) and the centre-left opposition’s candidate for prime minister, plans to push ahead with a vote of no confidence despite being snubbed by the Modern Centre Party (SMC), without whose votes he does not have the majority.

SMC council not backing Erjavec, open for dialogue amid “SDS provocations”

Ljubljana – The Modern Centre Party (SMC) council decided late on Wednesday not to endorse Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) leader Karl Erjavec as candidate for prime minister-designate. The SMC remains open for dialogue and cooperation with all parliamentary parties “in light of constant one-sided provocations” by the ruling Democrats (SDS), the party said.

Allegation of lawmaker intervention in femicide case spark controversy

The controversy continues regarding the allegations on the main opposition Republican People's Party's (CHP) lawmaker of calling the father of a university student, who was killed in the Aegean province of Muğla last year, and asking him to give up the criminal case.

MPs decide stimulus package cannot be challenged in referendum

Ljubljana – The National Assembly decided in a 50:16 vote on Wednesday that the latest corona crisis stimulus package, passed late last night, cannot be put to a referendum. The decision means that the law was published in the Official Gazette Wednesday evening and will take effect on Thursday.

SocDems back Erjavec as prime minister-designate candidate

Ljubljana – The opposition Social Democrats (SD) leadership endorsed on Tuesday Karl Erjavec, the leader of the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS), as a candidate for prime minister-designate. The SD also backed the formation of an alternative government and filing a constructive motion of no confidence in the government.
