Political parties

Terrorist on hunger strike

Convicted terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas announced Friday he is starting a hunger strike.

The reason is his transfer from a rural prison into a regular one. The transfer to a rural prison was made possible by the previous leftist Syriza government.

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Mad at President Radev, Accuses Him of Cooperating with Fugitive Gambling Lord Bozhkov

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov rushed furiously into the hall where today's traditional briefing of the National Operative Headquarters was held and interrupted it. He turned up the heat bragging about his successful management of Bulgaria. The Prime Minister's main target was President Rumen Radev. Borissov voiced serious accusations against the head of state.

Alpha Research: Ruling Coalition without GERB or BSP Is Highly Unlikely

More than 40 percent of Bulgarians expect that there will be no landslide winner in the upcoming parliamentary elections, they rather think that several parties will have close results. In this situation, an equal number of people are to form governing coalitions with the political formations garnering the most votes - GERB and BSP.

Turkish army abides by constitution, laws: Defense Ministry

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) will file criminal complaints against three prominent figures, including a former top soldier, former opposition lawmaker and a journalist over their remarks on military coups in the past and the status of headscarf-wearing women in public service.

Opposition to table motion of no-confidence in govt in mid-January

Ljubljana – An informal coalition of centre-left opposition parties will table a motion of no-confidence in the Janez Janša government on 15 January, Karl Erjavec, the leader of the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS), who has been tipped for prime minister-designate, announced on Tuesday.

New cabinet’s health-conscious swearing-in ceremonies

In compliance with safety protocols, the government's new cabinet was sworn in on Tuesday in three stages. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced the cabinet reshuffle on Monday. The ministers were sworn in Tuesday in groups of six, all wearing masks, and after receiving rapid tests for Covid-19.
