Politics of Ukraine

Romanian Officials 'Dodging Accountability for Protest Violence'

Romanian government officials came under heavy criticism from the opposition and civil society organisations on Tuesday for dodging accountability over the security forces' use of violence against anti-corruption protesters on August 10.

The clashes left 452 wounded, including journalists and a group of Israeli tourists who happened to be in the area.

Clashes in Kiev Between Protesters and Police

Demonstrators were arrested in protests and clashes in front of the parliament in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. One policeman is injured, reports bTV.

Several hundred people gathered outside the Verkhovna Rada to demand a swift adoption of a new law on the reintegration of the regions in eastern Ukraine controlled by the separatists.

Clashes Between Police and Protesters Against Corruption in Kiev

Thousands of Ukrainians gathered in front of the parliament asking for a real fight against corruption and called for the resignation of President Petro Poroshenko.

Police intervened in the protest of anti-government protesters. According to Ukrainian media, four people have been injured.
