
Supreme court prosecutor orders immediate investigation into organized crime activities

Supreme Court Prosecutor Georgia Adeilini issued an order on Wednesday for the immediate investigation of cases involving criminal organizations, money laundering, homicides, and other serious offenses linked to mafia networks on Mykonos, other Cycladic islands, as well as in Athens and Thessaloniki.

HSK enacts judicial reassignments in major overhaul

The Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) has enacted significant appointments and reassignments, affecting a total of 4,340 judges, prosecutors and court members across Türkiye.

According to the HSK's January decree, published in the country's Official Gazette on June 29, Zafer Koç has been appointed chief public prosecutor of the Istanbul Anatolian Palace of Justice.

Top court prosecutor requests swift probe into laywer’s domestic abuse case

Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Adilini requested on Tuesday the investigative magistrate Christina Salapa to conduct a swift investigation into the domestic abuse case involving prominent Athens lawyer Apostolos Lytras. 

In her request, Adilini referred to the serious nature of the alleged crime and the increased danger for the victim to suffer additional abuse. 

Investigation ended into alleged break-in at Interior Ministry

A prosecutor has ended an investigation into an alleged break-in into the Interior Ministry after finding no evidence that one occurred.

Two parallel investigations by the police and the prosecutor also found no evidence of a break-in.  

On April 26, the election process department's head reported an alleged break-in of his office to the police.

Supreme Court urges swifter handling of Mati wildfire verdict

The President of the Supreme Court, Ioanna Klapa Christodoulea, seeks swift processing of Monday's ruling by the Athens Three-Member Misdemeanor Court concerning the 2018 Mati wildfires, which claimed 104 lives and left many injured, to prevent potential criminal offenses from expiring. 

Mati: fire service official handed suspended sentence for false information

A senior fire service officer has been handed a two-year suspended sentence for submitting false information to the prosecuting authorities during their investigation of the 2018 Mati fire, in which 104 people lost their lives.

The officer, Ioannis Fostieris, was the commander of the fire service's united operations coordination center when the fire happened.
