Reformist Bloc

Bulgaria's New Republic Movement to Be Officially Launched Tuesday

A "non-partisan", right-wing alliance called New Republic (originally "Nova Republika") is to be formally launched on Tuesday, seeking to offer an alternative to GERB party of Boyko Borisov in the coming election.

Radan Kanev, the leader of DSB party which broke away from the Reformist Bloc, is the driving force behind the project.

Outgoing Health Minister Moskov To Head Reformist Bloc Pre-election Campaign

Outgoing Health Minister Petar Moskov will head the pre-election campaign of the Reformist Bloc for the snap parliamentary elections, announced the chairman of the pre-election headquarters Nayden Zelenogorski after a meeting of the Executive Council of the coalition.

DSB Mulls Withdrawing Its Deputies If New Govt Is Formed

DSB is against the forming of a new government within the framework of the current Parliament and if such a deal is reached, DSB deputies will leave the parliamentary group of the Reformist Bloc and Parliament, announced the leader of DSB Radan Kanev.

"DSB will not support such a trick government which distances the country from the aim of a New Bulgarian Republic," added Kanev.

Bulgaria's Deputy PM Urges Parliament to Adopt Anti-Corruption Bill

Outgoing Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva has rejected claims from several parties that Parliament should not adopt a disputed anti-corruption bill as it is "running out of time."

Kuneva, who has overseen the work of a team drafting the bill, has tied support of her Bulgarian of Citizens Movement (DBG) party for any new government to the adoption of the bill.
