Road traffic safety

Slovenia to get highway patrol unit at the beginning of 2021

Ljubljana – A highway patrol unit is to be established in Slovenia at the beginning of next year in a bid to boost the enforcement of traffic rules and improve safety on the Slovenian motorway network. It is expected to eventually assume other duties as well, including prevention of crime and illegal migration.

Rosen Rapchev: Road Accidents in Bulgaria Decrease by Nearly 25%

Rosen Rapchev: Road Accidents Decrease by Nearly 25%

This year we have seen a significant decrease in road accidents as well as road fatalities. There is a number of factors that can be taken into account. Nearly 25% is the decline in accidents. This transpired from an interview with Rosen Rapchev, Chief Expert at the State Agency for Road Safety.

Traffic police crack down on drunk driving, cellphone use

As part of a nationwide crackdown on drunk driving and on people using their phones while driving, traffic police said on Tuesday they registered more than 1,250 violations in the period between February 24 and March 1.

Out of 24,849 vehicles checked, police said 561 of the violations concerned phone use and 705 broke the law on driving under the influence of alcohol.

Smartphones and Bad Road Markings - Main Reasons for Road Accidents

Bulgaria's State Road Traffic Safety Agency has launched an information campaign under the motto "Write When You Get There"  aimed at preventing the use of mobile phones while driving. Data of the Interior Ministry indicates that in 2018 there were 1,634 serious road traffic accidents involving one vehicle. They killed 193 people and injured more than 2,000 people, BNR reported.

Enhanced Road Safety Measures for the Upcoming Holidays

Enhanced road safety measures for upcoming holidays. Nearly 150 mobile, 25 stationary and 30 tripod cameras will monitor speed compliance.

Hundreds of thousands people are expected to take the country's roads starting tomorrow and Friday, which is a day off. Border police have secured more teams and are promising to work quickly in order to prevent big queues.

Eurostat: Bulgaria Ranks First in the EU in Terms of Road Accident Rates

The number of road traffic victims in the European Union in 2017 is around 25,000 or 50 per 1 million inhabitants, according to Eurostat data released today.

The most fatal cases are the share of passengers and drivers of cars (46%), followed by pedestrians (21%), motorcyclists (15%), cyclists (8%) and other forms of transport.
