
Rome's Pantheon charges for tourist entry

Rome's 2,000-year-old Pantheon started charging for entrance on July 3, with tourists paying 5 euros ($5) to see Italy's most visited cultural site.

The building, one of the city's oldest and best loved, is currently a consecrated church and part of the proceeds from ticket sales will go towards the diocese of Rome, while the rest will go to the culture ministry.

Serbia’s Equality Chief Condemns Mayor’s Attack on ‘Uncivilised’ Roma

The mayor of the Serbian capital Belgrade has been criticised by the country's equality commissioner for saying Roma need to "make a decision about whether they want to live in a way today that follows the standards of the civilized world" - and adding that the city's Roma get by on stealing and harassing citizens.

Ministry launches action plan for Roma citizens

The Family and Social Services Ministry for Roma citizens have prepared a new action plan, aiming to improve their life conditions.

The plan outlined until 2030 concerns six different areas: Education, employment, health, housing, social assistance and social service, taking aim at raising the Roma citizens' living standards.
